Heres a piece I started over the weekend, I was very random an unplanned actually started drawing it while watching Deathrace 2000 started out with just the girl for some practice for my new book cause it's going to be gory, an then I added the skeletone an then I decided to add Tar-Man cause I felt like drawing him an thought he would look awesome in it, so overall really happy with how this one came out, hope you all like it!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Color mixing tips tattoo ink
Although the way this tattoo design is not too difficult but the protective techniques involved in it is really complex. To ensure that you can design it carefully in making the design tattooed on the skin that is free from any disease / health guaranteed, you have to concentrate and be careful when shading. There are several things you should remember to get the right quality protective certain tattoos. Here are some guidelines that if followed carefully can be very helpful for you.
Color mixing tips tattoo ink
Although the way this tattoo design is not too difficult but the protective techniques involved in it is really complex. To ensure that you can design it carefully in making the design tattooed on the skin that is free from any disease / health guaranteed, you have to concentrate and be careful when shading. There are several things you should remember to get the right quality protective certain tattoos. Here are some guidelines that if followed carefully can be very helpful for you.
Hong Kong Airport and the Dragon Air Lounge
After a 16 hour flight I have finally arrived in Hong Kong. As a general, and usually strict rule, I do not fly on Saturdays or Sundays. For this trip however I am dependent upon the schedules of others and not as free to choose my own flying days. Also, being Asia Week (month) in New York makes it even more complicated. Therefore, for those reasons, I flew on the Cathay Pacific Sunday morning baby run. I only have myself to blame.
While in Chengdu I plan to use both Travel Blogs depending on which one works bets. It is possible that this Google blog will work in Chengdu as the hotel is primarily for foreigners. In the mean time I have been trying to access the alternate Travel Blog but without any success. It could be that it is temporarily down for some nightly maintenance. or The internet at the HK airport is extremely slow today. More later.....
While in Chengdu I plan to use both Travel Blogs depending on which one works bets. It is possible that this Google blog will work in Chengdu as the hotel is primarily for foreigners. In the mean time I have been trying to access the alternate Travel Blog but without any success. It could be that it is temporarily down for some nightly maintenance. or The internet at the HK airport is extremely slow today. More later.....
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Check out the newest issue of Famous' "The Fast Life" magazine for an interview I did. Others include Tim armstrong of Rancid and The Transplants, YELAWOLF, Shock Mansion, and features on the Snoop Dogg x Famous record release party! Thanks again to everyone for setting this up!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The form of pigment Tattoo tribal
The form of pigment Tattoo tribal
So today I am proud to annouce that the first McHozer Comics site is offically up an running! Check out the site at for those of you that don't know McHozer is a small comic company from outside of the Toronto Ontario area, it's a group of guys working together to put out comics, me being one of them, I'm one of the artist on the "Deadmen & Poodleskirts" comic, which is on sale right now! can get a copy over at indyplanet ,Also if you would like to buy other McHozer Comics, just type in "McHozer" into the indyplanet search an the comics will pop up! so take sometime check the site out an give feedback on it,you can also check out some previews of the first two comics Deadmen & Poodleskirts & The Celtic Shaman!
Hope you like it folks!Takecare!-Brian
Hope you like it folks!Takecare!-Brian
McHozer Comics,
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Chucky Sketch
So heres a new sketch I started up earlier this week of chucky it's a work in progress, there is still some more things I want to do maybe add some more blood an wrinkles to his clothing, also at the bottom in the white empty spot im debating about adding "Chucky" or "Child's Play" into that spot maybe in a blood lettering, but im not sure yet I might just leave it an add more blood an detail to the clothing an stuff. Have to wait an see hope you guys like it so far!
Women tattoo art design and the color at the bottom tattoo
New love tattoo,and tips design color tattoo These pigments which will determine the color at the bottom tattoo, therefore very important to know whether the content of the tattoo ink pigment types, In addition to using color ink available on the market, you can always create new colors by combining the ink ready for use. With practice, you will come to know how the new color can be made with a mixture of different colors and how the ink dilutions can help you to get the color of light and dark colors.
Women tattoo art design and the color at the bottom tattoo
New love tattoo,and tips design color tattoo These pigments which will determine the color at the bottom tattoo, therefore very important to know whether the content of the tattoo ink pigment types, In addition to using color ink available on the market, you can always create new colors by combining the ink ready for use. With practice, you will come to know how the new color can be made with a mixture of different colors and how the ink dilutions can help you to get the color of light and dark colors.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Quick Alien Sketch
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sitting at YVR
Well, once again waiting in the lounge at YVR heading back to JFK. The last time I was here was in January just after Captain Underwear was foiled while attempting his dastardly deeds. Security was tight back then, very tight. The only thing missing in January, aside from no carry-on, was a strip search to accompany the very physical pat-down. But here we are, again, at YVR. I asked at check-in if I had to surrender my small carry-on back. They said no, "no problem" was the response. I approached security not knowing really what to expect. Nothing, nothing was what I got. Disappointed, well yes, I had built up expectations, expectations that I believed were valid, rational and based on prior experience combined with mass media news hysteria - mostly American. Was I wrong to have these feelings and expectations of intensified security and scrutiny? Well, apparently the neurosis is all mine! I was whisked through security quite quickly, there was no line. My bag, which really wasn't that small, seemed to fly through the screening machine and arrived on the other side before me - no double pass, no prolonged examination of the contents on the screen which even the addled traveler can catch a glimpse of. What happened, what did happen? Whatever happened, I don't know! I don't know what it meant when they had the news coverage day and night of the Underwear Bomber. I don't know what the different security agencies were talking about and announcing as official statement after the event. And, I realize now that I don't care and don't want to hear about it anymore. I grew up with the Three Stooges and the Marx Brothers. Back then we new it was make believe but I think now a days people can't make those distinctions as easily as they could in the past.
What I would like is that the burden of security be placed on the backs of the security agencies and not on the travelers. If those security agencies can't figure out what they are doing, what tone they are setting, and what instructions they are giving to us, then how are we supposed to know?
What I would like is that the burden of security be placed on the backs of the security agencies and not on the travelers. If those security agencies can't figure out what they are doing, what tone they are setting, and what instructions they are giving to us, then how are we supposed to know?
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Living Corpse Piece!
The Living Corpse
Sketches of Mr.Vincent Price & Others!
Next is a Vicent Price Presents piece,was drawing him from memory an then added some random differnet style head shots of him, head shot "B" looks way to much like Jona from spiderman but I like how they all turned out for the most part, hope you like them folks!
Vincent Price
Friday, March 12, 2010
Update:Tales Of Dusk!!
So tonight I thought I would take the time to give a little update on my new creator owned comic series called Tales Of Dusk. It's going to be a Horror Anthology series in the vein of a "Tales From The Crypt" comic an also like my first comic I worked on with McHozer Comics called "Deadmen & Poodleskirts" which can be found in a earlier blogspot post. The stories in my series arn't going to be that short the first story is as it stands right now is about 83pages. This will be my first time writing a comic story myself so it's a fun adventure for sure. I already have the first 4 stories planned out not fully written yet but there mainly all planned out. Heres a run down for the first story which is called "Heartland Farm Terror", it's a tale about a group of teens out on a joyride in the backwoods of Ontario, Then they happen to run into the wrong brothers at the wrong time & have to try an survive in the woods not knowing what lerks in the woods an fields of the Heartland acres. How many will survive? Guess you will just have to wait an find out wont you! More info to come on this story an future stories! I'm working on a promo image as we speak for the "Heartland Farm Terror" story so keep your eyes out for it an maybe some character sketches comming soon, Take it easy ghoulies!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Frightful Fetus pin-up
So heres a drawing I did for Stephen Lindsay new web comic,well one of them, the Frightful Fetus, Heres the link to the comic, it's wrote by Stephe Lindsay with art by Jim McMunn should check it out it's a fun webcomic. Was a really fun piece to do an pretty creative character design too, overall very happy with how it turned out, hope you folks like it!
frightful fetus,
Aleister Arcane & Friends Sketches
So heres some sketches that I did of Aleister Arcane from the Aleister Arcane comic from IDW & Steve Niles, I got issues 1-3 from from 31days of halloween an when i read them I became a big fan on the charcter an story, so I wanted to do some fan art for it, The main piece is based off a panel from issue 1 I think it is, I wanted to do it with the creature from the blacklagoon in the movie poster instead of Night of The Living Dead. The other piece is when I added more on to it,another Aleister sketch an another blacklagoon creature an random creature head. So heres the sketches hope you like them folks!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
sketches from Cryptmas!
Just thought I would show off some sketchs that I did for my Ghoulies Cryptmas piece. I started off with some warm of sketches of Gremlins,Hobgoblins The Goon & Ghoulies, not sure why I added the goon in the warm up sketch but oh well haha. Then after I did those I got the main idea for my christmas piece, an here are the pencils an inks for it, based off the Ghoulie movie posters, hope you guys like it!
Art Of TypH sketch
Heres a random sketch that I started over the weekend for the site, just something for fun when I was bored couple nights ago. It's a work in progress still gonna add a little more to it, but not a 100% sure on what else im gonna add to it yet, have a few ideas but have to wait an see how it turns out! Hope you like it so far!
[UPDATED]Street Trash
street trash
Lucifer Character sketches!
Here are some character sketches for a friend of mine, for his new zombie style comic he's writing up, heres the main character Luicifer. I'll show you my first version of him which I drew, which got so/so responce so I re-drew the concept of him an heres also the final version longer jack goves longer hair an what not, hope you like them folks!
character designs,
Some more sketches for fun!
Just thought i'd take this time to show off some more sketches that I have done up lately ranging from 10-20mins up to an hour or so i'm guessing usually never check the time when im drawing so haha. First off gonna show of a quick Frankenstein sketch that I did on a envelope it was about 20mins or so nothing to amazing pretty quick piece.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Hulk Art
Heres the last an final piece of "Planet Hulk" prize art for It's the hulk or could be red hulk if colored haha, it goes on the far right of the World War Hulk. It was another fun piece to do up, probably the easiest one the 3 to draw cause i've drawn the normal hulk a couple times before but still a really fun piece to do.
I hope you all like it!
Skarr Art!
Here are the pencils & inks for the second piece of "Planet Hulk" prize art for, this peice is of Skarr, it's the far left piece, First time ever doing a Skaar piece an i'm really happy with how this one turned out, it was alot of fun to do up, Something new that i'm not really use to doing but it was a blast to do. Hope you all like it f
Friday, March 5, 2010
World War Hulk!
Here's one of 3 connecting images that I did for, they were having a contest to go along with the release on the new Planet Hulk animated movie an I was asked to do up some artwork to give away for the contest, so here is the first piece that I did. It's a plant hulk/wolrd war style hulk, it's the middlepiece of the 3 conntecting pieces, I'll post all 3 pieces over the weekend from the pencils to inks. Heres t
he first one hope you guys like it!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Some random late night sketches
Next is a quick spider-man green goblin sketch that I did up one night, was pretty quick an not that big of a piece, but it was a fun one to do, always liked spidey & Green goblin, always thought they were pretty cool characters, Hope you like it folks!
black spiderman,
Banner Design
Black Spiderman
Not a horror piece, but one of my new pieces from a couple months ago or so that I'm really happy with. my first black costume spider-man. I've always been a fan of the black spider-man the most, just more darker an edgy to me which in my mind makes him a badass. Really pleased with the way this turned out an might do more of him in the future who knows. Hope you like it folks!
black spiderman,
Deadmen & Poodle Skirts Issue#1 On Sale at
So I just figured I would take this time right now to let everyone know about my first comic thats on sale from McHozer Comics here in Ontario. It was released at the Toronto Fan Expo last year!. It is A Horror Anthology series. It features 4 stories an is 40pages long! My story is the first story in the book called "Dead Menace" with art by me of course an writen by Chris McQuaid. Here is the Indy Planet link for the comic
we also got a first review shortly after it came out by Decapitated Dan Royer, an heres his review for the comic.
Heres a Promo image that I did up for the comic, One of the two that were used. It was also used for the special trading cards that we all made for the McHozer comics. Nice little gift you could get at Fan Expo for buying one of our comics! Stay tuned an you might be able to see some of the inks for the pages later on!
we also got a first review shortly after it came out by Decapitated Dan Royer, an heres his review for the comic.
Heres a Promo image that I did up for the comic, One of the two that were used. It was also used for the special trading cards that we all made for the McHozer comics. Nice little gift you could get at Fan Expo for buying one of our comics! Stay tuned an you might be able to see some of the inks for the pages later on!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
[UPDATED]Tales From the Crypt"Bordello Of Blood" homage/Tribute
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Some Sketches!
Here are some sketches for today, first off will start off with a GWAR sketch that i did for fun for a friend, he wanted too see me version of the band GWAR, so I took some time out to do some pretty quick sketches of them. I will hopefully do some more GWAR stuff in the future some more sketches that are more then just head shots of them.
Next I just thought i'd show of some other quick Rob Zombie head sketches that I did a month or two ago. I'm a big fan of Zombie work from film, to music & comics, so I was thinking what to sketch for fun an just saw my Rob Zombie cd case on my desk so started drawing him. Also did a "Big Daddy" from land Of The Dead sketch from memory not so good but yea haha. Also add some other random head sketches that I did around the same time when I was woking on facial looks/personalitie
s an such. Hope you like them folks.
Rob Zombie
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