Monday, March 22, 2010

Hong Kong Airport and the Dragon Air Lounge

After a 16 hour flight I have finally arrived in Hong Kong. As a general, and usually strict rule, I do not fly on Saturdays or Sundays. For this trip however I am dependent upon the schedules of others and not as free to choose my own flying days. Also, being Asia Week (month) in New York makes it even more complicated. Therefore, for those reasons, I flew on the Cathay Pacific Sunday morning baby run. I only have myself to blame.

While in Chengdu I plan to use both Travel Blogs depending on which one works bets. It is possible that this Google blog will work in Chengdu as the hotel is primarily for foreigners. In the mean time I have been trying to access the alternate Travel Blog but without any success. It could be that it is temporarily down for some nightly maintenance. or The internet at the HK airport is extremely slow today. More later.....

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