Thursday, September 24, 2009

Missing Mitrice Richardson in Malibu after refusing to pay her “dues”…

LAPD and the County Sheriff's are sending the rescue crew out on Saturday to search for missing Mitrice Richardson who is only 24 years old. She was last seen on September 17th after she was released from being incarcerated after allegedly refusing payment of her tab for $89.21 at Geoffrey's in Malibu, California. She was also arrested for possessing less than an ounce of “mari-j”! The marijuana was allegedly found in her white 1990 Honda Civic, which was impounded.

She has been missing since they released her from jail at 1:25 a.m. from the Malibu\Lost Hills Station in Calabasas. It’s kind of stupid that that's when they release inmates. In the wee hours of the night! SMDH! And let alone she is a FEMALE! Damn just NO LOVE, HUH?! That's why I say "F" the "POPO"!

Police will search the mostly rural area by foot accompanied by the aid of canine and horse-mounted units. The heightened land search follows one Sept. 19 that led police to a backyard patio in Malibu, where Richardson was reportedly last seen.

LAPD Detective Chuck Knolls is overseeing the case. When the residents of a home near Pluma and Los Virgenes roads, just east of Malibu Creek State Park, found Richardson on the patio, she told them she was resting and left when they went to call authorities the detective states.

"In our opinion, at this point, it is a missing person," Knolls said. "We don't see any criminal activity."
Richardson's parents have criticized the Sheriff's Department for releasing her without knowing whether she was intoxicated or had a ride.

But Knolls said Richardson made two phone calls from the station and was asked if she wanted to wait in the lobby until someone picked her up. Richardson, who did not appear impaired, declined the offer and left, he stated.

"She's an adult," Knolls said, echoing statements made by Whitmore after her disappearance.

Richardson is a graduate of Cal State Fullerton and recently moved to Los Angeles to live with her grandmother near the area where she planned on teaching. She last made contact with her family at her home in the Southeast area of Los Angeles on Wednesday, police said.

Richardson is African-American, 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs about 135 pounds. She has brown, curly hair and hazel eyes, and was last seen wearing a dark shirt and blue jeans, police said.

According to a flyer made by her family, Richardson has tattoos on her lower abdomen and behind her neck.

Police urged anyone with information on her whereabouts to call the LAPD's Missing Persons Unit at (213) 485-5381, or (877) LAPD-24-7 after business hours or on weekends.

Something definitely smells a little fishy and I really hope they find this lost lady!!!

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