Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hallelujah, Bed Bugs Be Gone - Damn It All

Hallelujah, an amazing thing happened, I, in frustration, sent a strong e-mail to my boss and cc'ed the property management company responsible for the apartment and building, in which I dwell in New York City. I complained of a lack of communication and a lack of any, I repeat ANY, communication with the property management company, other than dealing with the super. I also cc'ed it to many of the other officials responsible for the ownership of the building - which by the way has an un-controlled BED BUG problem - that is, the whole building.

Hallelujah, I sent out the e-mail at approximately 2:00 p.m. today and by the time I arrived back at the apartment (to find a U.S. Census notification of a non-compliance of not responding to the racist U.S. census, I'M SORRY - RACIST, I turned around at approximately 8:00 p.m.), pushed under my door at 8:00, and there it was. There was a correspondence from the management company, the gold, the treasure, a Rosetta Stone, Magna Carta, it was all there - an acceptance, an acknowledgment of a problem, a faint wish - maybe, to possibly wish to remedy the awful situation.

See the image, the document above, see what was presented after several months of discussion, complaining and bitching. A letter, as if they were on top of it, Ha Ha, what a lark, in control, masters of their domain - HELL NO! They have been pushed into a corner by my e-mail and they are simply responding, reacting, appearing competent. Please don't think there is an end in sight. This is New York, there are winners and losers and nobody has time for anybody who stands in between.

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