Friday, June 25, 2010

Jeepers Creepers-2001

So it's another Friday, wow seems like the weeks going by fast ha ha. This week I picked a more modern movie which I will admit I'm a fan of ha ha gotta review some crappy movies sometimes maybe ha ha. Tonight movie is a modern day slasher in my opinion it's the Creeper...Jeeper Creepers that is!

Plot: The film chronicles a day in the life of siblings, Trish (portrayed by Gina Philips) and her brother Darry Jenner (played by Justin Long) coming home from college. As they drive through the North Florida countryside in their 1960 Chevrolet Impala, a mysterious driver in a rusty old delivery truck tries to run them off the road. After letting the vehicle pass them, they later see the same truck, in the distance off the side of the road, with a hulking man sliding what looks to be bodies covered with blood stained sheets, into a large pipe sticking out of the ground next to an old abandoned church.
The driver, taking note that they have seen him, catches up to them and tries to run them off the road a second time, Darry insists they go back and investigate. Darry orders Trish to hold his feet while he looks into the pipe. Rats appear in front of him and he jerks and screams, causing Trish to lose her grip on his legs, and he slides down the pipe cutting himself. At the bottom, he finds hundreds of bodies sewn together, covering the walls of a massive cavern beneath the church. Darry can not reach the end of the pipe which looms above his head, so he looks around and finally finds a passage up through the church. Visibly traumatized by what he has seen, he and Trish flee the scene and stop at a gas station where they contact the police. While waiting for the cops to arrive, they are phoned by a local psychic, Jezelle Gay Hartman, who warns them that they are in terrible danger. She plays the song "Jeepers Creepers" on the phone, and tells them that when they hear that song, they will be in extreme danger. Badly frightened, they ignore her warning. Word arrives that the old church had gone up in flames and all evidence of any bodies has been destroyed. Trish and Darry rush out of the gas station with the police providing a security escort.
As they travel, the police are attacked and killed by the mysterious driver of the old truck. While Trish and Darry flee the scene, the driver loads the policemen's bodies into his truck. Darry and Trish try to get help from a local eccentric, but the mysterious driver catches up to them, the woman attempts to kill him with a shotgun but he jumps out of the way and kills her. They manage to hit the mysterious driver with their car, and run him over several times. After crushing the mysterious driver's body, they realized its inhuman nature when what appears to be a giant wing begins to flap around. Leaving it on the road, they drive to the local police station to wait for their parents, but Jezelle shows up and warns them they are still in danger.
Jezelle tells them the true nature of the mysterious creature: it is an ancient demon known as "The Creeper", which rises every twenty-third spring for twenty-three days to feast on human body parts which, upon consumption, form part of its own body. She also tells them that it seeks out its victims through fear, and that by smelling the fear from Trish and Darry, it has found something it likes, but she does not know what.
The wounded Creeper attacks the police station and gains entrance to the cells. After it feasts on prisoners to heal, it is swarmed by police, but kills a number of them. Jezelle guides Trish and Darry upstairs, telling them one of them will die, screaming in the dark while the song "Jeepers Creepers" plays in the background. The Creeper heads towards Jezelle and sniffs her, but lets her go, and heads off to find Trish and Darry.
The Creeper catches up and captures Darry. Trish tries to reason with it, and attempts to give her life for her brother's. The police burst in and take aim, but the Creeper escapes out the window with Darry. The next day, Trish, contemplating Darry's fate, is picked up by her parents, and Jezelle returns home in regret.
The final scene shows the Creeper in its new hideout, an abandoned meat packing plant, where the audience finally learns what the Creeper wanted: by ripping out the back of Darry's head, it has taken his eyes, leaving Darry's body an eyeless, motionless corpse, while "Jeepers Creepers" is playing in the background.
In a brief shot after the credits, the Creeper's truck drives by the camera, with the driver side window rolled down and the Creeper smiling at the audience while blaring its ghastly horn.

My Thoughts: I personally think this movie is the base of modern day slashers, I think it's a movie & character that will stand the best of times an be around for a long time at least I hope so. We horror fans need more modern day Slashers not to say Freddy,Michael & Jason aren't great but we need a new breed of killers, back to the movie at hand, I think the story is pretty decent, could be better in parts for sure, But what I think really make this movie great is The Creeper. I think the look of him is very classic slasher looking an the character concept of how he is an he needs to take peoples parts to stay alive I thought was great. The movie does a good job of keeping you on the edge of your seat cause you never really know what he's gonna do next or how he's gonna get you. I can't wait to see more of this character. While looking it up earlier, I found a rumor that part 3 is being made an will be out in 2011 so lets hope so I know I will be waiting to see it! Now this movie isn't perfect by far but I do give it a solid 4.5 Bloody Fingers out of 5!

Here's a preview of the trailer, hope you enjoy it folks!


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