Saturday, July 31, 2010

Intriguing Facts Part 1

I know everyone doesn't "TWEET" but I came across a new profile to follow @IntriguingFacts so I thought every now and then I should share some of them with you! = )

#IntriguingFacts On average, when asked for a color, 3 out of 5 people will say red.

1 minute ago via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts An eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it.

2 minutes ago via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Richard Nixon was the 1st US president to visit China in February,1972.

2 minutes ago via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts The people in Bali only have one of four names : Wayan, Made, Nyoman, and Ketut.

3 minutes ago via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts American car horns beep in the tone of F.

3 minutes ago via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriugingFacts 7,000 New insect species are discovered every year.

4 minutes ago via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts The average life expectancy of geese is 25 years.

4 minutes ago via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts By the age of 60 most people have lost 50% of their taste buds.

5 minutes ago via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts The nail of our middle finger grows the fastest and the nail of our thumb grows slowest.

5 minutes ago via web

Reply Retweet . Twitter to Email helps Twitter users to send their tweets as a Email from twitter itself to their non-Twitter f (Ad)

about 7 hours ago via MyLikes Network

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts A bean has more DNA per cell than a human cell.

1,280,526,827,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts The first product to have a bar code was Wrigleys Gum.

1,280,526,813,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots.

1,280,526,689,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts An apple, potato, and onion all taste the same if you eat them with your nose plugged.

1,280,526,667,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts A one kilogram packet of sugar will have about 5 million grains of sugar.

1,280,526,451,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts In New York City there are 6,374.6 miles of streets.

1,280,526,207,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Eskimo icecream is neither icy, or creamy.

1,280,526,185,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Children grow faster in the springtime than any other season during the year.

1,280,526,165,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Austria was the first country to use postcards.

1,280,526,125,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Planet Venus is the only planet to spin counter- Clockwise.

1,280,526,108,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . This is So Cool. Ever Wonder Who's Been Searching You? If You Type Your Name At Mylife.Com You Can Find Out INS (Ad)

1,280,519,116,000.00 via MyLikes Network

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts The 2 most common surgeries are biposies and cesarean sections.

1,280,436,189,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts A michigan law states that a wife's hair legally belongs to her husband.

1,280,436,106,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Crocodiles swallow stones to help them dive deeper.

1,280,435,625,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts The human heart weighs less than a pound.

1,280,435,600,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts A poem written to celebrate a wedding is called an epithalamium.

1,280,435,584,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Every second there are 418 Kit Kat Fingers eaten in the world.

1,280,435,401,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Great Britain was the first country to issue stamps in 1840.

1,280,435,373,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Some asteroids have other asteroids orbiting them.

1,280,435,343,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.

1,280,435,316,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . This is So Cool. Ever Wonder Who's Been Searching You? If You Type Your Name At Mylife.Com You Can Find Out INS (Ad)

1,280,432,717,000.00 via MyLikes Network

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts The Honda Accord has the highest stiken rate in the US according to NCIB

1,280,346,435,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Of all the words in the English Language, the word set has the most definitions.

1,280,346,371,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . This is So Cool. Ever Wonder Who's Been Searching You? If You Type Your Name At Mylife.Com You Can Find Out INS (Ad)

1,280,346,318,000.00 via MyLikes Network

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts An ant's sense of smell is as good as a Dog's.

1,280,346,163,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Over it's lifetime a shark will loose as many as 50,000 teeth.

1,280,346,132,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts A female mackerel lays about 500,000 eggs at one time.

1,280,346,105,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Surgeons who listen to music during operations perform better than those who don't.

1,280,346,041,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Bumping foreheads with a hand shake is the traditional greeting in Tibet.

1,280,345,944,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.

1,280,345,915,000.00 via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Research indicates that people prefer the color blue for their casual clothing.

12:38 PM Jul 28th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Drew Carey once worked at a Denny's.

12:35 PM Jul 28th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Half of the 40 million people currently living with HIV/AIDS are females.

1:50 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Ambisexual is a more contemporary term for bisexual.

1:49 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Many men masturbate daily, or even more frequently, well into their 20s and sometimes far beyond.

1:49 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntrugingFacts Autofellatio is the act of a male performing oral sex on himself.

1:46 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts A hair is 70% easier to cut when soaked in warm water for two minutes.

1:45 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Alabama workers built the first rocket to put humans on the moon.

1:44 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts The human liver performs over 500 functions.

1:43 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Eighty percent of 10 year old girls in the USA go on a diet.

1:43 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Between 12%-15% of the population is left-handed.

1:41 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts On average 1,668 gallons of water are used by each person in the United States Daily.

1:38 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts The average person falls asleep in about 12 to 14 minutes.

1:38 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrink in size.

1:34 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts A mule wont sink in quicksand but a donkey will.

1:34 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Pigs can cover a mile in 7.5 minutes when running at top speed.

1:33 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Americans spend around $3billion for cat and dog food a year.

1:33 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Pain travels through your body at 350 ft. per second.

1:32 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with orange, purple and silver.

1:30 PM Jul 27th via web

Reply Retweet . #IntriguingFacts Crocodiles cannot stick their tongue out.

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