Monday, July 18, 2011

Top 5 Marketing Keys to promote online by DTM


Top 5 Marketing Keys to Social Media Promos
Tell a Story Online - YOUR STORY by

No matter the nature of your business, there are basic ingredients for a successful Marketing Campaign. Below I have outlined them for you. Some of these ingredients cost money, as they should because you should pay a professional to get professional results. Some other ingredients are free, but do take precious time to implement. Time is money, so even if the ingredient is free, your time is still costing money.

1. Branding
Establish from the beginning short and long term goals. your look. your name. your logo and then organize a Marketing Campaign.

Consistency is the key. Establish a look to carry throughout the campaign and a message to broadcast. The message could be: Buy this product, Listen to this song, Come to this event. The point is to have a brand to promote while telling the consumer how to do business with your company. Keep the message simple and help the consumer consume...from you!
A good Branding Campaign will also ensure that the web address and email address on flyers, posters & business cards is consistent with the message.

Using aol, gmail, yahoo, hotmail or any other email address that does not have your company domain ( as a contact email address, after all the pretty pictures and attractive design in the marketing campaign will kill the credibility of your product or service.  This is the point of branding.  People should know your company and it should be easy to find you. is much less memorable than
If you LOVE your gmail account and services from gmail, a professional web design/development team (such as can show you how to still use your gmail and show a professional presence to your clients.  (ask us how)

Read the rest of the Top 5 Marketing Keys to Social Media Promos, where we cover the other 3 Keys and provide you with a full list of Free Online Resources designed to help your brand!

Posted via email from dacreativegenius- da best in da biz


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