Friday, August 5, 2011

Oops…He Did it Again: "Mr. Bean" Crashes His McLaren F1

Actor Rowan Atkinson, best known for his roles in UK TV series Mr. Bean and the Black Adder, may drive an original Mini on the screen, but in real life, he is a car enthusiast. So much that he once described in CAR magazine the process of ordering a Ferrari 456 GT and let's not forget that he owns one of the most exclusive and extreme supercars ever built: a McLaren F1.
Unfortunately, the 56-year old actor made headlines today for losing control of his precious F1, and crashing into a sign. No other cars were involved in the accident, which seems to have occurred when the McLaren met a wet patch on the road.
Thankfully, Atkinson suffered only minor shoulder injuries and was taken to the hospital, but the F1 seems in need of some serious repair work.
This isn’t the first time he has crashed his McLaren, either, since in 1999 he rear-ended a Rover Metro damaging the front end of his supercar.

Story sources: Pistonheads & AP



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