Thursday, April 29, 2010

Heading Back to New York

Well, the fun couldn't last forever. It was a good but quick stay in Vancouver and even briefer at the cabin. I spent time with some friends and completely missed others. The weather was very nice and it is always nice to sleep in my own bed either in Vancouver or the cabin, although the cabin was a little crowded.

Who knows, I may be back in Vancouver sooner than most think. If the apartment landlords where I stay in New York decide to redo the apartment roof in the next month or so, then I'll be back in Vancouver. I am on the top floor and it was shear hell last year when they did the building next door. I can't imagine actually living in the apartment while they take 2-3 weeks to redo the entire roof. Can you imagine the dirt and debris falling each day from the ceiling? Can you imagine the noise and irregular hours, working through the weekends? That isn't for me, better to be free and travel home to a noise free environment without dust, dirt and bricks coming loose and falling from the walls.

In New York anytime they say a job will take a week or two then it means it will actually take several months. You should hear New Yorkers talk about this stuff - it makes them crazy!



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Older Stuff

Here is some more older stuff I thought I would show off. First i'm going to show off a practice comic page that I worked on last year with a Clive Barker "Hatebreed" character in it. I just did it for fun, nothing serious just on printer paper when I was watching Hatebreed one day. I think I was trying out a new ink pen that day too.

Heres a sketch I did up for my bud Decapitated Dan Royer from The Tomb Magazine, first time ever doing a ice man, an only my second zombie superhero I think, the first be the Thor one of course. Overall happy with how this one turned out, was done sometime last year too, hope you folks like it!

Roadwork at dusk

Roadwork at dusk

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Corner lunch
Strange recurrence of green.

Tough, Wobbly Kneed & Steep to the Step: A Trip to the Cabin for Spring Maintenance & a Little Rest

We headed up to the cabin last Friday early and with beautiful weather. It didn't take us long to connect with Jeff N. and Shelby. We texted our coordinates every so often and re-adjusted our schedules. Stopped at the bakery in Princeton and picked up some donuts. The bakery has been operating since the 1920s and I have been a customer since the mid 70s.

Jeff, daughter and Kita, the half husky trail dog, were at the trail-head at 1:00 and ready to go. We arrived and parked. Looking at the river, gauging the depth, colour and speed, I on the other hand had not completely said it out loud but new it in my mind - the river was beginning to be in flood. We would not be able to make the eleven water crossings necessary to get to the cabin. Some crossings are easier than others but I knew that some would be 3 feet deep with a high velocity of speed. The general rule is you only cross water that is less than half your height and not strong enough to knock you over. Shelby and Kita couldn't make it let alone the big folks.

After a short discussion it was decided that we would do the over the mountain climb. This approach to the cabin involved driving back out to the highway and backtracking about 5k then turning north off the highway we drove up about 7k into the mountains on a very steep logging road that provided a glorious panoramic view of the Similkameen Valley far below. Using both an old Gps unit and eyeballing the terrain we parked the two vehicles and readied our packs for the arduous hike on unmarked deer trails down a steep two thousand foot slope to the valley floor and the cabin that awaited us. Part of our goal was to avoid the cliffs on either side of the known route.

I first climbed out from the valley floor in the early 80s when I had been staying at the cabin through the beginning of spring run off one year. Again, during the set up for a spring/summer retreat in April of 1994, Jeff N. and I were forced to hike down to the cabin to take in the necessary supplies. We then hiked up two days later for me to retrieve the remainder of the food supplies and to send Jeff on his way back to Vancouver. Returning to the valley floor, two thousand feet below, with a hundred pound pack - I was delirious and close to exhaustion.

However, back to 2010 and this trip, the four of us and one dog headed over the edge of the ridge with a general idea of where we were going and how long it would take to get there. At first we had a tree canopy, but leaving the forests of the Thompson Plateau, it wasn't long before we had to stop for the obligatory snap shot photos of the spectacular views of the entire valley in front of us and the creek far below in the narrow valley below. The hike down the mountainside took approximately 2 1/2 hours. My knees and legs were rubber at the bottom. Thank god for walking sticks, company, and a good trail dog. [In the photo above I am standing with the Thompson Plateau behind me. The cabin lies in one of the many steep and hidden valleys that crisscross the plateau. The Thompson Plateau lies inland from the Pacific Ocean and over the Coast Mountains on the eastern side. Moving west, after the Thompson Plateau are the various mountain ranges such as the Selkirk, Purcell, and Kootenay all on the west side of the Rocky Mountains].

Arriving at the cabin we found it in use. Not by a person physically in it but by somebody that wasn't currently there. We investigated the signs of habitation and determined the squatter had left some days earlier. They had left all of their belongings out, but neat, as if still there, or returning shortly. We carefully packed all of their belongings away and unpacked ours. We were four and a dog, they were one. We needed space to sleep, prepare food and cook.

Using both a camp stove outside and the cast iron stove inside we were able to quickly boil water and prepare some food of pasta, beef jerky, cheese and tea. When traveling to the cabin we always have snack foods of chocolate, trail bars, real licorice, and more. The first night was spent with some tossing and turning as the cabin is not really meant for four people and a dog, three is doable and can be fun, two is great, one is pure pleasure and extremely restful.

Saturday was a day of mixed weather. We ate breakfast, washed, talked, napped, ate, cut wood, watched the weather, talked, finally Gio went out with Kita for a walk down to the last crossing where there was once an old concrete dam built at the turn of the century, small, long destroyed with only remnants of its existence.

Upon Gio's return Jeff and I also felt like a little hike to stretch out the legs from the hill descent of the day before. Shelby was content to stay in the cabin next to the stove and under the blankets. Off we went with Kita in tow as well, for her it was the 2nd time. The walk was fast paced and we made it to the last crossing in about a half hour. The water was high and brown. I knew that I would have tremendous difficulty crossing if I had a pack on my back even if I was using two over-sized walking sticks. The real danger, especially with a pack on the back, is that if you are knocked over in the water while crossing you can not recover - you are taken away by the swift current until you can grab onto a rock or regain your footing - if possible. It is an ugly scenario all round, I've been there, I've tried. The feeling is the same as white water swimming (swimming down rapids) except without the intention of wanting to be white water swimming. On the way back up the trail it hailed heavily. It seemed more like a snow shower.

Dinner on Saturday night was quinoa, my favourite, with cheese, meat, soya sauce, and whatever else we had. It was delicious. Quinoa cooks beautifully on a cast iron stove. When I am alone or we as a group are at the cabin longer then I often cook a sweet curry to go with the quinoa, but alas those days do not come as often now as they did in the past. The second nights sleep was better than the first probably because of some re-adjustment in the bedding and shifting of bodies.

Saturday night we decided to all leave together on Sunday. This was mostly for safety reasons. It would be easier for all of us to hike up the mountainside together knowing that if there were any problems we would all be there to help. Remember, it had been some years since Jeff and I had hiked that route out from the cabin. The mountainside is also known for mountain goats, deer, bears and cute brown rabbits.

The hike was horrendous, long and steep. The day on the other hand was magnificent, beautiful, with clear blue skies and thick sunshine like the clearest honey. Once again we had beautiful views of the mountains, ope meadows, and the valley below as we climbed higher and higher. As an added bonus we had drinking water the entire way up the mountainside. There were pockets of hail every so often in the shade of trees and rocks that were left over from the day before. The pockets of hail continued all the way to the top of the mountain. After that there was the remnants of the winters heavy snow and brackish ponds. Neither of these were to my liking, nor as clean as the hail - Kita didn't care.

The hike from the cabin to the top of the mountain (ridge) and then to the vehicles took approximately 4 hours. I was tired and ready for some serious rest. Packed up and ready to go we drove down the mountain road passing local kids with trail bikes and 4x4s farther along. Arriving in Princeton we said our goodbyes to Jeff N., Shelby and Kita who headed north to Williams Lake via the old Princeton/Merritt Road - the preferred route of bikers. It was about four in the afternoon and we headed straight for the pub to eat and drink. Leaving Princeton for Vancouver the last leg of the trip was relatively uneventful except for the very large numbers of deer grazing in small herds alongside the grassy areas of the highway outside of Princeton. There were also two black bears, not together, in the Manning Park area noteworthy for their beautiful thick shiny black fur.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Addams Family

Here are the pencils for my new monster movie/tv show art piece. This piece is of the Addams Family for anyone who didn't know it. I got the idea to do this one from the better half. I made Wednesday & Pugsley & Lurch the main focus cause there mine an Golden favourite from the show. It's based more off of the New Addams Family tv show that use to be on. I might do another piece an have the other charcters more in it but im not sure yet have to wait an see. I hope you all like it. I hope to have it inked in a week or so maybe sooner not sure have to wait an see.

[UPDATE] so it's friday April 3oth day before Free Comic Book Day,an now I just got the Addams Family inks done earlier today, so here they are folks hope you like it, I think the inks make it really stand out.

A matter of angles

A matter of angles

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What is it that you like most about what your doing as a Make Up artist? And does it pay good?

I think the thing that I <3 MOST about MAKEUP is the end results and expression on my client's face for them to see the transformation from going to a clean bare face to a face with colors, an even nice skintone, etc.

As far as the pay, you can make anywhere from $40 to $150 and sometimes even more depending on the occasion, etc. so as long as you have the clients, there is definitely money to make. That is why I also went to school to get my Esthetician's License, that way I am more marketable for my Skin Care, Facials and able to Wax, keep up their eyebrows, etc. = )

Ask me anything! Go for it! = )

Spiderman & Hulk Sketches

Heres some older superhero artwork that I did up last year sometime. First off heres a spiderman piece im pretty happy with. This is the first time i've ever done rain effects in a piece, an I think I pulled it over pretty good. I think the piece has a nice look an feel too it. I hope you all like it

Next here is a random hulk sketch I did last year. I wanted to try an do a piece of him getting angry an ready to smash some stuff, it was a overall fun piece to do an I think it came out pretty decent hope you all like it!

Hope you folks don't mind me showing off the older stuff, new stuff will be comming shortly I promise, also sorry again if either of these pics had shown up in a earlier post.

Close encounter of a Schnitzel kind

Close encounter of a Schnitzel kind

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Shadow Of Grey Cover

Heres a cover I did for Bill Gladmans Shadow Of Grey comic that he's writing. This was done late last year sometime, It was on of my last superhero style pieces. I still do the odd ones but not as of late. I only did the cover for this project, I am not doing the pages for it. I hope to see a colored version of this with the title an what not hopefully soon! as soon as I get to see the finished product i'll post it here so everyone else can see what it looks like. I hope you all like it so far.

From the shadows

From the shadows

April 22nd 2G10 = My Lucky Day!

Thursday April 22nd was a VERY BIG DAY for me! I went to take my State Board Test to obtain my Esthetician License and YUP I PASSED! I was so nervous and was worried I didn't prepare enough for it. 

I had my so called "homeboys" kinda in my ear with negativity and I was just under a lot of pressure. I would keep getting these terrible migraines. I recorded voice notes to play back to myself and I tried doing everything I could to prepare. I guess all of my hard work paid off, because I AM NOW A LICENSED ESTHETICIAN!!!

This has to be one of the best days of my life! As Ms. Kelly the Career Services Lady would say, "I am a licensed professional, I do NOT work for FREE & TIPS are NOT included!" Lol! I am definitely ready to go to work.

So now my plans are to continue freelancing with my makeup. I love having my flexibility and being able to pick and choose my gigs as I please. 

Full time for an esthetician is only 20 hours, so I figure maybe I will look into employment at a hotel spa or something of the like. And outside of that I will still doing makeup. I just don't know if I want my schedule to be too tied up because I do like being on set, but most of the time but it just calls for really long hours. So I am kind of playing it by ear for now. But if a great opportunity comes my way, I am definitely going to jump on it.

I also plan to go to an actual Makeup School because I would like to learn special effects makeup and get even better at my craft. Since there is ALWAYS room for improvement.

Friday, April 23, 2010

♥ Upcoming Photo Shoot - Who Wants "IN"??? ♥

I am currently in the beginning stages of prepping my 1st Photo Shoot all by myself (as far as the MAKEUP goes). The reason for this shoot is to work on building my portfolio with some new, nice professional images as far as the MAKEUP goes!

So here is what I am looking for:
Photographers looking to UPDATE their portfolios 
(samples of work must be available)
Hair Stylist looking to also build their portfolios
Wardrobe Stylist also looking to build their portfolios
Fashion Designers looking to push their line & also build their portfolios
Females of all ethnicities

Here is what I need the interested\inquiring minds to do:
Follow My Blog Site @
Leave a comment on the “Model Casting Call” blog explaining:

(A) WHY you are interested in the shoot
(B) Why we should select you for the shoot
(C) Your input of what “look” you would like to go for
(D) What colors you would like to rock

Please also send an E-mail to: with 2 Headshots and 2 Full Body Shots along with your measurements, shoe size, link to your work, etc.
We are shooting for a date sometime in MAY 2010! 
Be sure to specify what it is that you do. 
(i.e. model, hair stylist, photographer, etc.)

Please Note:
This will NOT be a PAID shoot, however, you will get either your "RAW\UNTOUCHED" Images if you bring a Photo CD to the shoot, as well as your makeup done by MYSELF, and we are asking that you come with your hair already done, or depending on my responses from my HAIR STYLISTS, if you come THOROUGHLY washed and blow dried then we will also be able to do your hair on set!


Good Luck to you!

Person Pick of the Week - Will Ferrell

~ Love Me Sexy ~
I have NEVER in my life seen "Semi-Pro" with Will Ferrell aka Jackie Moon, but what I DO KNOW, is every time my homeboy sings this darn song, it cracks me up! I couldn't help BUT to post it on my blog! Gotta love some Will Ferrell boy!!!!! These lyrics are too funny! He was trynna get all sexxxxaaaaaaay for the Ladies! LOL!

"Its A Crouch Party"
I don't know if you've ever seen Stepbrothers, but this is another hilarious movie with Will. The Crouch Party Song tickles me too so I had to share this clip with you! I hope it makes you laugh, if not at least SMILE!!!! Watch when the dad starts yelling "STOP"!! He gets real mad! LOL!


Hot kiss

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Older Lady Death Sketches

So in the wait of the new Addams Family piece, I thought I would show off some older stuff of Lady Death that I did, first time ever drawing her, there ok for the most part, could still be better, but I hope you folks like them. I also might do a new piece with her someone soon seeing theres a new comic series in the works with her. So keep your eyes out for it folks! I also just scimmed through the later post an didn't see this stuff posted yet so sorrt if it's a double post folks I have tons of older stuff so.

Guss' Pickles

Guss' Pickles

Blue Sky, Bright Sun & Flowers Everywhere

It's a beautiful day with a bright blue sky and cherry blossom petals (sakura) everywhere in the yard and in the house. The five hour flight last night was uneventful although a half hour late. I didn't know any of the flight attendants and it was a pretty sleepy compliment of travelers. I was content to sleep and muse. I skipped the beverage and dinner although they did appear to have changed the three entree menu choices on this New York to Vancouver flight. The movies I also chose to skip. Likely they were the same fifty or so new releases and classics from the previous couple of weeks and my recent flight from Hong Kong to New York. I watched Avatar on the previous flight a week and a half ago. For this flight I just relaxed and dozed in the comfort of the exit row aisle seat.

Waking up this morning was a pleasure with the bright blue sky and cherry blossoms right outside my bedroom window. With luck the weather will hold through the weekend and for the trip to the cabin. Below are some quick images of the flowers growing in the garden outside my window.

I recall some years ago, after a conversation with Nicole while up at the cabin, that I photographed many of the wild edible and medicinal plants and flowers of the dry interior - an area in British Columbia known as the Okanagan. All of the photos were from the trails and meadows immediately surrounding the cabin within a four or five hour hike. I will try and locate these images again. My intention was to upload them to a website and describe their nutritional and medicinal uses and changes through the seasons.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just checking in... Sorry I've been Missing In Action but here is why...

Well I know its been a while since I've posted some really great blogs. I've been so busy with finishing up with my Esthetician Program @ Marinello Spa Academy \ School of Beauty and I have been booking gigs here and there on photo shits, films, etc. which has been keeping me going! 

Tomorrow I take my State Board Exam and I hope to pass and walk out with my Esthetician License. I have been doing a lot of work on my Makeup Website and Blog Site so make sure you check it out and follow me there as well. I have been coming up with some really great blog topics so stay tuned. I will definitely be posting some new content really soon!

Thank you all for your continuos support!!

<3 Lynique = )

Off to the Cabin

Well, here I am again in the British Airways lounge at Terminal 7 at JFK heading back to Vancouver and my regular spring trip up to the cabin. This year will be a little different with Gio and me heading up from Vancouver and Jeff and Shelby heading down from Williams Lake. The plan is to meet at the trail head at 1:00 on Friday. We'll see how that goes. Jeff is bringing up the new stove pipe lengths and elbows and I will be bringing the ant banquet. We don't usually go up this late in April because the creek generally starts to rise anytime between the 20th and the end of the month. Full flood is usually in May and can last for several weeks. Our late start is due to the fact that I was away in China up until last week and Gio is only just back from Thailand and Japan.

Tomorrow will be a day of light shopping and buying supplies for the weekend. MEC is top of the list as is Choices Market. I have a craving for good cheese which was not sated at either the Sheraton in Chengdu or the Hyatt in Beijing, both of which had excellent cheeses in the executive lounge every afternoon.

Made in the shade

hot and cool
I took a few of these, allowing for different degrees of darkness on the shady side. I think this is maybe a big too light. The contrast was more pronounced to the naked eye.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Heres a new piece im doing in my 11x14' sketch book, it's Fido from the zombie movie "Fido". Here are the pencils for it so far, the inks will be comming soon, I am very happy with how this one turn out. I think it's one of my better ones to date. For anyone who has not yet seen "Fido" you are missing out really you are. It is one of the better zombie movies as of late, it doesn't take it self to seriously but thats whats so great about it, it's an all around fun watch an I fully recommend you see it as soon as possible!
I also plan on doing tons more horror movie related art so keep an eye out for the stuff ghoulies, Hope you like it!

Soon to come Addams Family piece is planned out!

Not an illustration

Not an illustration

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Zombie Thor!

Here's an older piece that I did of a Zombie Thor, I did it for fun one time, an ever since been pretty much sticking with the more detailed pieces an doing less cartoon style work. I planned on doing some more zombie heros from Marvel Zombies but never got around to it. never got around to inking this one either, oh well I guess maybe some day. I hope you folks all like it!





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