Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tips choosing a picture tattoo hand
Tips choosing a picture tattoo hand
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Jay-Z on Oprah @ her request...
"PART 1"
"PART 2"
"PART 3" - In part 3, Oprah speaks on her opinion as to why she isn’t a huge rap fan and they debate on the “N” word and it’s definition of it.
Jay-z on the “N’ word:
“People give words power. For our generation, What we did is we took the word and we took the power out of that word. We took a word that was very ugly and hurtful and took the power out of that word.”
Oprah on the “N” word:
“My generation and generations before me (coming up through the civil rights movement), that word carries a sense of hatred and degradation. I always think about when people are screaming it at your concerts, I think about Black men that were lynched and that is the last word they heard.”
It ain't FREESTYLE FRIDAY but "O" learns how to FLOW!
So what do you all think? Do you think Oprah is reaching DOWN to Jay-Z considering she used to bash rap and she sits on a pedestal considering SHE invited HIM? Or do you think Jay-Z has built enough clout and gained enough pull to where Oprah is saying, "hey this man has some pull so I better go ahead and give him his time and let him continue to shine?!" Do you feel like Jay-Z finally made it to MAINSTREAM TELEVISION or do you think Jay-Z is so big now to where the MAINSTREAM is like OKAY HE IS BIG lets go ahead and give him his airtime because hip-hop is SOOOOO BIG? Do you think he is just a posterchild or is it bigger than that?!
Michael Jackson - DANG!!!! This IS REALLY IT!!!!

Would you believe that fans are already lining up to get their tickets for Michael Jackson's "This Is It" Movie Premiere which premieres to the "special ones" on October 27th 2009 in theatres?! Some people really do go to extreme measures I guess. There is already a crowd around the Staples Center which is the ONLY PLACE you can pick up your commemorative tickets! This man was greatly adored! But I don't know about camping out from Thursday until Sunday with NO SHOWER or TEETH BRUSHING for that long! YUCK!!! They are only giving out 500 so get down there NOW! There are about 100 people already waiting!
The movie will be based on footage from concert rehearsals before his death in June. It will also have simultaneous premieres in more than 15 cities around the world next month, the studio behind the film said on Monday.
"This Is It" opens to the general public on Oct. 28 for a limited two-week run.
While Hollywood movies often have several premieres around the world, they rarely happen at the same time. But for "This Is It," more than 15 cities, including New York, Rio de Janeiro, London, Berlin and Seoul will host simultaneously premieres with a red carpet event in Los Angeles on Oct. 27, said Sony Pictures, which paid $60 million for rights to the rehearsal footage. Names of the other premiere-night cities were not released.
The opening events will feature satellite transmissions of Hollywood stars arriving at the premiere in Los Angeles. London's premiere will happen after midnight local time on Oct. 28, while Seoul's event is scheduled for the morning of that day.
In all, more than 25 cities worldwide will have premieres for the movie but not all will take place at the same time. In the days before he died of an overdose of prescription drugs on June 25, Jackson was rehearsing for a comeback with 50 sold-out shows in London.
The $60 million movie deal was made between Jackson's estate and concert promoter AEG Live and Sony Pictures. Based on proceeds from the movie, business deals and album sales that have arisen since Jackson's death, administrators of his estate expect to generate more than $200 million in revenue before the end of the year.

Missing Mitrice Richardson in Malibu after refusing to pay her “dues”…

LAPD and the County Sheriff's are sending the rescue crew out on Saturday to search for missing Mitrice Richardson who is only 24 years old. She was last seen on September 17th after she was released from being incarcerated after allegedly refusing payment of her tab for $89.21 at Geoffrey's in Malibu, California. She was also arrested for possessing less than an ounce of “mari-j”! The marijuana was allegedly found in her white 1990 Honda Civic, which was impounded.
She has been missing since they released her from jail at 1:25 a.m. from the Malibu\Lost Hills Station in Calabasas. It’s kind of stupid that that's when they release inmates. In the wee hours of the night! SMDH! And let alone she is a FEMALE! Damn just NO LOVE, HUH?! That's why I say "F" the "POPO"!
Police will search the mostly rural area by foot accompanied by the aid of canine and horse-mounted units. The heightened land search follows one Sept. 19 that led police to a backyard patio in Malibu, where Richardson was reportedly last seen.
LAPD Detective Chuck Knolls is overseeing the case. When the residents of a home near Pluma and Los Virgenes roads, just east of Malibu Creek State Park, found Richardson on the patio, she told them she was resting and left when they went to call authorities the detective states.
"In our opinion, at this point, it is a missing person," Knolls said. "We don't see any criminal activity."
Richardson's parents have criticized the Sheriff's Department for releasing her without knowing whether she was intoxicated or had a ride.
But Knolls said Richardson made two phone calls from the station and was asked if she wanted to wait in the lobby until someone picked her up. Richardson, who did not appear impaired, declined the offer and left, he stated.
"She's an adult," Knolls said, echoing statements made by Whitmore after her disappearance.
Richardson is a graduate of Cal State Fullerton and recently moved to Los Angeles to live with her grandmother near the area where she planned on teaching. She last made contact with her family at her home in the Southeast area of Los Angeles on Wednesday, police said.
Richardson is African-American, 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs about 135 pounds. She has brown, curly hair and hazel eyes, and was last seen wearing a dark shirt and blue jeans, police said.
According to a flyer made by her family, Richardson has tattoos on her lower abdomen and behind her neck.
Police urged anyone with information on her whereabouts to call the LAPD's Missing Persons Unit at (213) 485-5381, or (877) LAPD-24-7 after business hours or on weekends.
Something definitely smells a little fishy and I really hope they find this lost lady!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Breaking News: Rapper Lil Boosie = Two Years Locked ^!
Lil Boosies gets hit with 2 years after pleading "guilty" on gun & drug charges on Tuesday afternoon. He was slated to stand trial Monday. Instead he reached a plea deal with the D.A. When he was originally pulled over he was cruisin' with a "burner" some mari jane and a cigar with some other sort of intoxication paraphernalia! SMH! Wonder what that was...
“I’m just ready to get all of it behind me and get further on with my career,” Boosie said. “I plead guilty in my own best interest.”
The rapper could get out in a year if he's a "good boy"!
Khloe & Lamar ARE TYING THE KNOT!!!!

Wendy Williams has reported that Lamar Odom (worth 33 MILLION) is confirmed to mary KHLOE KARDASHIAN this SUNDAY!They will be having a small ceremony at a private home! WENDY IS LIKE HURRY UP AND GET PREGNANT!! Lol! Peep the photo out with the two of them how he is holding his wallet, and Khloe is looking with her bag open like "FILL HIM ON UP HUBBY!!! RUN IT!!!!!" = )The couple has not been together very long and are moving pretty fast!!

UH-OH, Kim K. betta step her game up!!!!

A Young Teenager Popping "X" Pills

The TRUTH behind some of our MAINSTREAM MUSIC
Ever Wondered What's Up With Lady Gaga & That 1 Eye Being Covered???

~ Essential Background 411 ~
What do you mean by Illuminati? The term “Illuminati” refers to the small group of elite people who meet through instances such as the Bilderberg group, the CFR and the United Nations to create international policies which shape the economic, political and religious landscape of the world. The spiritual philosophy of the Illuminati is based on Hermetic teachings, dating back to ancient Egypt, and is considered an outgrowth of modern Freemasonry. Illumism was born in the 18th century and official documentation describe its subversive goals: to seek actively a single world government (New World Order), the elimination of organized religions and the creation of a single world currency. Mass medias are used to shape and mold public opinion to facilitate the implementation of those projects.
What do you mean by “mind control”? I suggest you research “project MK Ultra” to get a little background information on the subject. Here’s a quick overview taken from the surprisingly accurate Wikipedia:
Project MK-ULTRA, or MKULTRA, was the code name for a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. The program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used United States citizens as its test subjects. The published evidence indicates that Project MK-ULTRA involved the surreptitious use of many types of drugs, as well as other methods, to manipulate individual mental states and to alter brain function.
Project MK-ULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress, through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK-ULTRA files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms’ destruction order.
Although the CIA insists that MK-ULTRA-type experiments have been abandoned, 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MK-ULTRA was abandoned a “cover story.”
An outgrowth of that project is unofficially referred to as “Project Monarch”. It is a mind control technique which exposes the subject to a trauma so violent that his/her mind creates a dissociation. The victim’s brain becomes compartmentalized and a new personality, which is then molded and educated by the manipulators, emerges.
“When a person is undergoing trauma induced by electroshock, a feeling of light-headedness is evidenced; as if one is floating or fluttering like a butterfly. There is also a symbolic representation pertaining to the transformation or metamorphosis of this beautiful insect: from a caterpillar to a cocoon (dormancy, inactivity), to a butterfly (new creation) which will return to its point of origin. Such is the migratory pattern that makes this species unique.”

Butterfly Symbolism
During their reeducation, subjects are said to be exposed to numerous symbols such as trees, spider webs, masks, mazes, butterflies, etc. They are also shown movies which contain specific symbols (or “triggers”) such as The Wizard of Oz and many Disney Movies. The same way those subjects are brainwashed and reeducated, mass media conducts a large scale mind control project, which starts at birth with Disney movies and continues with Hollywood flicks and music videos.
OMG! What does this crazy stuff has to do with Lady Gaga? I luv her!!
What we must retain here is the symbolism Monarch project engendered and its use in mass media. Monarch is a type of butterfly and became the ultimate “insider’s”symbol of mind control. Symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga, in her pictures and videos, mixes those symbols with occultism of secret societies.. Her vacuous, robotic and slightly degenerate persona embodies all the “symptoms” of a mind control victim. Let’s look at what Lady Gaga represents, starting by the basics: her name
Her Name
Gaga is a term that immediately refers to absent mindedness. Here are some synonyms taken from a thesaurus:
Given to lighthearted silliness: empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, frivolous, frothy, giddy, harebrained, lighthearted, scatterbrained, silly. Slang birdbrained, dizzy. Afflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness: brainsick, crazy, daft, demented, disordered, distraught, dotty, insane, lunatic, mad, maniac, maniacal, mentally ill, moonstruck, off, touched, unbalanced, unsound, wrong.
“Gaga” is probably the easiest word to say in the English language, as it is often the first sound emitted by babies trying to imitate speech. So her name basically says: I’m a lady and I’m empty-headed. This empty head can filled with any crap you want. Imitate me young people. This state of mind is achieved after successful mind control.
Her name is also said to be inspired by Queen’s song “Radio Gaga”. The video of this song contains many scenes of the 1927 movie Metropolis. As seen in my article on Beyonce/Sasha Fierce, the motion picture tells the story of a woman from the working class that was chosen by the elite to give life to a robot, through a mix of science and Black magic.

This robot becomes a sexy and alluring performer and is given the goal to corrupt the working class. References to this movie abound in music videos, as if it was very significant for the occult elite. Madonna, Beyonce, Kylie Minogue and many others have taken the likeness of this female robot and, as you’ll see in the “Paparazzi” video, Lady Gaga also continues this “tradition”.

"The Logo"
Her logo is pretty revealing and particularly fitting. Its a headless female body with a bolt of lightning going through her and exiting her genitalia. There is once again a focus on the lack of conscious thought by the singer. The body looks like the weird headless mannequins you find at clothing stores. The bolt of lightning implies that her thoughtless body has been “charged” with a force that gives it life (interesting note: trauma-based mind control is often induced using electro-shock treatments).
All-Seeing Eye Symbolism
You only need to look at a couple of Lady Gaga pictures or videos to notice that she is constantly hiding one of her eyes. Most people will simply interpret this as ”a cool thing to do” or a “fashion statement”. Those who have passed the 101 of Illuminati symbolism know that the All-Seeing Eye is probably its most recognizable symbol. The gesture of hiding one eye, usually the left one, goes way back in occult orders. Here’s an explanation of the origin of the Eye of Horus.
Horus, the sun of Osiris and Isis was called ‘Horus who rules with two eyes’. His right eye was white and represented the sun: his left eye was black and represented the moon. According to the myth, Horus lost his left eye to his evil brother, Seth, who he fought to avenge Seth’s murder of Osiris. Seth tore out of the eye but lost the fight. The eye was reassembled by magic, by Thoth, the god of writing, the moon and magic. Horus presented his eye to Osiris, who experienced rebirth in the underworld. -Dictionary of the Occult

How about this ad…could there by more pyramids and eyes?
Her Videos
Almost all of Lady Gaga’s videos contain occult symbolism and not-so-subtle hints referring to mind control. We’ll first look at a short video used as an intro during her tour.
Lady G is talking in a vaporous and robotic way, as if she was lobotomized, about a man who “swallowed her brain”. Gaga is questioned by a man who is talking in a very strange and hypnotic matter. If this is not about mind control, I have no idea what its about.

While falling down, the background becomes a swirling pattern, typically associated with hypnotism. Lady Gaga falls down rather stylishly, hinting the fact that this descent is not physical. It represents the “trauma” victims of mind control have to go through in order to be “rebuilt from scratch”.
Lady Gaga then enters a mansion in a wheel chair and gradually takes off her clothes.

She slowly starts walking, with the help of crutches, representing her reeducation by the occult elite (she is inside a mansion). She is dressed like a robot, hinting Maria from the movie Metropolis, as seen above. Another scene shows her dancing in a half white/half black wedding dress. This signifies her (forced) association with the “dark Brotherhood”. Her transformation is then complete.
We then see her next to the boyfriend that pushed her off the balcony

She is wearing Mickey Mouse clothes, hinting once again Monarch programming. She is behaving in a very robotic way, as if her thoughts and actions were controlled by someone else. Gaga then proceeds to poison the guy and smiles very weirdly about it. The fact that she murdered her boyfriend refers to the level “Delta” of the Monarch project, which is also known as the “killer” programming. Here’s a description of it
DELTA. This is known as “killer” programming, originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Subjects are devoid of fear; very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level. -Dr. Corydon Hammond, Project Monarch Programming Definitions
After carrying out her murderous mission, Lady Gaga is more popular than ever and reaps the rewards of being an Illuminati slave.

Literally bound by “the Illuminated”
To Conclude
Lady Gaga is a poster-girl for Illuminati mind control, a puppet who embodies exactly what the public represents in the eyes of the elite: mindless drones, mannequins, remote controlled robots, hypnotized degenerates incapable of thinking coherently. On the other hand, her symbolism is deep, esoteric and even spiritual. This paradoxical aspect of Lady Gaga is something that deserves to be analyzed and understood. While masses of young people imitate Gaga’s brain-dead persona, the subversive symbolism surrounding her art still reaches the fan’s subconscious. She is not the Antichrist though (last I’ve heard), she is simply one of the many pop stars sending out similar messages to the public. Combined with Hollywood movies, TV shows and commercials, media outlets are programming young minds to think and act a specific way.
What’s your opinion on the subject, Lady Gaga?