I am trying to find a way to upload the DVD of the actual short movie of 2012 that everyone is talking about. It is quite scary and I see myself wanting to blog more on current events and things that are going on that we all need to know about as opposed to the "gossipy" stuff and the fashion, money, fame rumors and trash that is already tearing down our community. I want my blog to take a different turn and give information that is somewhat vital. Here and there I will post some celebrity news, but right now, I am on this quite tough. As soon as I figure out how to get the actual movie up that people are talking about, I am going to post it for you all. Look at this video and you will see why... 12\21\2012 is very close and ALL I CAN SAY IS PRAY!!!!! GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU! Enjoy and be AWARE!!!
That was a clip I found on You Tube. Now here is the OFFICIAL TRAILER FOR THE MOVIE: