Thursday, October 1, 2009

MTV Wishes You A Masonic, Satanic, Baphomet Christmas!

So this is how MTV feels about Christmas along with Christianity... JUST PLAIN OUT DISRESPECTFUL!!! I am just shocked by all of what's going on! Everyone says IT'S BEEN GOING ON! I guess I am just late catching up on it or is it that JESUS CHRIST IS COMING SOON and the Bible says that during our last days, a lot of sin and things like this would be exposed. It also says that the devil would use certain people through music and entertainment, and right now I feel like Beyonce & Jay-Z are his main targets because to them its all about the money and the fame.

Religion has DEFINITELY went OUT the window! SMH! They say if you want people to UNFOLLOW you talk about JESUS CHRIST! So sad but true!

Here is a little more "SATANIC PRAISE" from MTV:

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