Sunday, October 11, 2009
I will be Traveling to China Soon
I will be Traveling to China on Wednesday, God willing, and wanted to share a new discovery with you. The discovery is a new Blackberry Tour 9630 cell phone. Previously I have had only one cell phone, simple, reliable and only for telephone calls. I have resisted cell phones believing them to be fundamentally evil, the death of privacy, a new era of interruption, etc., etc., etc. None of this has changed, it is all so very true.
However, I have a new Blackberry phone and since Thursday I have already become more productive in all areas of text and e-mail communication. I now have all of my various e-mail accounts for the different web sites forwarded to one device which I carry with me almost all the time. With this, time is being saved by not having to access so many different accounts on different desk top or lap top computers - at the office or apartment.
A full keyboard on a cell phone is a necessity when it comes to sending text and returning e-mails. Texting, as with a number keypad on most older phone models is Byzantine at best. A keyboard, no matter how small, is a requirement. With all the accounts routed to one unit and a full keyboard (although minuscule by big finger standards) it is easy to deal with communications as they come in, determine their importance, and respond immediately as necessary. Due to these improvements in communications technology and in effect having a computer in the palm of my hand, I am now a believer!