Monday, May 9, 2011

Latin Invasion bodypainting pics

Thank You To All for Latin Invasion Success!
We had a bunch of fun, there was art, models, artists, djs, photographers, artisans, drinks and food! check out some of the pictures of the night.
Body Paint by 551page, Justin Anderson, Chaos79, DTM, Phyllis Robinson & Chris Pop. Models: Kelly Sunshine, B. Chane'l Lee, Santana, Ressa P, Sandy, Hamilton & Alex
Photos by: Erica Myers, Georgia Flash, Titus Jamison & Mel-e-Mel, Ressa P

More pictures coming soon. check out for the next art & bodypainting show in June 18th: Fusion Art Show: Beauty is more than Flesh!

Posted via email from dacreativegenius- da best in da biz


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