Monday, May 30, 2011 upcoming art shows

June 18
Beauty is More Than Flesh
Fusion Show
Models, artists and Body painting, live art collaboration,
public art collaboration plus art show

August 27
Resistance is Futile
Sci-Fi Show Comic Con Pre-Party Costume Contest
Robots, aliens, popular culture, comic books, anime, TV, film, fantasy, government conspiracies, the truth is out there

October 29
Saints and Sinners 
World Religion & Ancient Mythology
Religious, irreligious, sacrilegious, anti-religious, mythology, world religions, Wiccan, Christian, Pagan, Earth Religions, Eastern Religions, Saints, Holy Objects

November 12
The Invisibles
Fundraising event for local charities and organizations
Canned food & clothing donations
The poor, displaced, global suffering, homeless, unemployed, hunger, ethnic war, genocide, exploitation

Posted via email from dacreativegenius- da best in da biz


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