“Don’t hold anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love.”
~ Leo Buscaglia ~
Simplified Hand Earth Ritual
Ritualistically, wash your hands with some Florida or Rose Water and if you don’t have either one of those, just use clear cool water with intention to cleanse away all the negative energy.
Go outside preferably, find a spot where you will kneel upon the Earth. Open with praise for all the Mother Earth provide, food, clothing, shelter, nurturing and for the Great Womb that She is.
Kneel down, placing your hands upon the Earth Mother and speak of those things that you want to release from your life – pain, anger, suffering, shame, guilt. Send this energy into the Great Earth Mother and thank Her for transmuting it into nothing but love. Or you can fill your hands with healing energy for the work you do, or for resources that you may require at this time.
Feel the energy run through your hands, chant, pray, hum, sing praises of thanksgiving, then be still and sense the connection, the heartbeat of Earth coming up into your hands.
You can also use the Afformations method. Why am I so blessed to be so rich? Why am I so blessed to be a great healer? Why am I so blessed to have loving relationships? Why am I so blessed to have a great paying job that I truly enjoy? Why am I so blessed to work with wonderful, kind, considerate, caring, people? You get the picture.
If you prefer Affirmations such as I am healed, whole and healthy! I am rich! I am blessed beyond measure! Say what you are led to say. Feel it, deeply.
When you are finished feeling, sensing and praising, give thanks by leaving a gift of tobacco, cornmeal, flowers or coins. You may feel moved to bury a crystal in that spot. Do what you are led to do.
If you are not able to go outside to the Earth Mother and you have a plant, then use it as a symbol of the Earth Mother. Place your hands around the potted plant and follow the above suggestions for this ritual. Upon completion, pour a little water into your plant as a thank you offering for the fulfilling of your request.
This would be considered a maintenance ritual to be done anywhere between the New and Full Moon.
Enjoy and be blessed!
This ritual was inspired by the Dagara Hand Earth Ritual as found in Malidoma Some’s book The Healing Wisdom of Africa Return to this page by using your back arrow.
After you have done this ritual, please feel free to leave your comments. I’d love to hear of your experience.