Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mano A Mano Art Shows presenta: Latin Invasion May 7th


Art, Models, Body Painters, Photographers & DJ's for a Cause
ADVANCED TICKETS: http://latinshow.eventbrite.com/

The Latin Invasion Art Show explores the mythological prophecies of the end of the world. According to Mayan calculations, 2012 is the fall of the Fifth Sun. 2012 is the end of the world as we know it. Artists are tasked with visualizing what that means to our culture, our way of thinking, the current state of humanity and ultimately, how we plan to celebrate the great history that humanity has enjoyed until this day.

There will be body painted models for artist to draw and photographer to take pictures of. Dozens of paintings from artists all over the US and two great DJ’s spinning Latin Classics and Hip Hop inspired music. FTP will provide their nutritious delicious food and there will be a full bar of spirits open.
For more information on Latin Invasion and upcoming art shows, please visit: manoamanoartshows.com

May 7
Cover $5 donation w/Canned Good

Latin Invasion
Before the fall del Quinto Sol (5th Sun)
Meso-American mythology, End of the World Prophecies, Ancient Art, African Art

Vibes by:
DJ Osmose + Sir Nervex 

Art by:
Bello AG, Cedrick Wiley, David Quiroz, Ded Safer, Erick Jara, Gerzon Rodriguez, Illie Dawson, Jody Harris, Kimberly Fitzgerald, Lewyn Stewart, Linda Costa, Makala Fields, Nicole Pritchett, Phyllis Robinson, Wade Harrison, Irene Lavant, Olivia Rado, JD Zapata, Odari Yohannes

Live Models Sandy, Ressa, Santana, Shatara, Kelly Sunshine, Alex Snelling & More!
BodyPaint by DTM, Gerzon Chaos79, Justin Anderson & Erick Jara & Phyllis Adair Robinson
Henna Designs on Deck
Nutrition by FTP Catering
Bar Spirits by Tree of Life Pomegranate Win & OG XO Brandy
Red Carpet Photography by Titus Jamison
PENCIL WARS! winner gets a special prize!!!

percentage of proceeds to benefit:
Action Not Words & Feed The People

KSP (the loft)
675 metropolitan pkwy 
Suite-5079 or D-15
Atlanta, GA 30310


A Special Thank You to our Sponsors: 
http://www.ogbrandy.com/ http://www.drinktreeoflife.com/
http://www.velocityscreenprint.net/ http://www.djosmose.com/ 
http://www.marcospita.com/ http://www.luccom.com/ 
http://www.dacreativegenius.com/ http://dripchemistry.blogspot.com/ 
http://www.chaos79.com/ http://www.angelwingsmusic.com/ 
http://www.theaspot.com/ http://www.theactionnotwordsproject.org/ 

Posted via email from dacreativegenius- da best in da biz


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